Monday, December 21, 2009

Solstice Cookies

Cream together:

2 sticks butter
1 cup sugar

Add, and beat:

Zest of one orange
1/2 cup finely chopped crystallized ginger
1 egg

Mix together then add slowly:
3 cups flour
Pinch salt
1 tsp baking powder

Add also:
1 T lemon juice

Form dough into log. Chill 2+ hours. Slice into 1/8" cookies and bake 6-9 minutes at 400°

Sunday, November 01, 2009

Epic Pie

Epic Pie
Originally uploaded by laurelfactorial
I made this after we went to Hood River for the Heirloom Apple Festival. It has winesaps and pippins and my signature streusel and lattice top crust, as per Better Half's request.

It was completely awesome and unspeakably delicious. Also, my first time making pie crust with the new food processor Better Half gave me.

Wednesday, October 21, 2009

Water Kefir Update

I ended up letting it sit until Monday as it wasn't very fizzy. I started another batch that day which I decanted just now. The grains have multiplied enough that I went ahead and split them into two bottles. The latest batches each have 1/8 cup honey, small handful raisins, and half a lemon.

Saturday, October 17, 2009

Water Kefir

Someone gave me some "water kefir" grains and I've started fermenting with them. I used:

3 cups water
1/4 cup sugar (organic evaporated cane juice)
half an organic lemon
2 tiny dried figs
A little less than 1/4 cup dried "grains" (culture/starter)
Sliced fresh ginger

I did this in a large mason jar, started it yesterday afternoon. I'll check on it today, it's supposed to ferment in 24-72 hours.

The finished product the other person had made was delicious. Fermented and fizzy, and I could taste the lactobacilli. I love probiotics.

I'll keep you posted.

Tuesday, September 29, 2009


Originally uploaded by laurelfactorial
I've always wanted to make these and I finally did. They turned out great!

Monday, June 15, 2009

Our amazing dinner

Our amazing dinner
Originally uploaded by laurelfactorial
Mini ravioli, butter, parmesan cheese, the fresh favas with caramelized shallots, and bacon. The bacon wasn't that good, but overall this was INSANE. A+++++++ would make again. Fava beans are so totally worth the stupid amounts of effort.

Sunday, February 08, 2009

Cheesecake is good

I'm growing increasingly fond of Ava's Roasteria in Beaverton, where I am in fact writing from at this very moment. It's a sweet little coffee shop combined with a study mecca (I'm pretending to study right now, in fact) with all the amenities -- wifi, caffeine, food, and the cleanest bathroom ever (bar none!)

They have some insane pastries. I'm a huge fan of the German Cheesecake, even if it is covered in chocolate (I never got the chocolate gene). It's really creamy and rich, and even if $4.25 seems like a lot for a little individual-sized cake, I think it's a good price for what you're getting. As for drinks, I am not a coffee drinker, and Ava's definitely delivers on that count. I'm a sucker for Italian sodas, and I have two favorites here: lime with coconut (sing with me now!) and, one Better Half discovered, watermelon with cream. Mmm.